A Ministry of Lakewood Park Baptist Church Children's Department

Saturday, April 28, 2012

What We Learned - April 29th

This Sunday, April 29th, your Reign Forest child (ages 2-5) learned that Jesus wants to be with us forever! (John 14:1-4)  He told his friends, the disciples, that He had to go away, but that He was getting a place ready for them so they could come and live with Him forever.  He's getting a place ready for us, too, so we can live with Him forever!

To help reinforce this lesson at home, read John 14:1-4 to your child, and imagine with them what those mansions Jesus is working on must look like.  Then you can draw a picture of those mansions together, or you could try to build a mansion out of blocks or Legos or whatever you have on hand.

Our Bible verse for this month is Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times."  Your child should be able to recite this verse to you since we've been working on memorizing it all month. 

Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned that no matter what happens, she needs to spread the good news about what God has done for her.  (Acts 4:1-21, I Peter 3:15)  After Jesus went back to heaven, Peter and John - two of his disciples - healed a man who could not walk.  The man began telling everyone what had happened, and Peter and John got into trouble with the authorities. - the same people who had killed Jesus earlier.  Peter and John were told never to talk about Jesus again.  But they didn't obey.  They kept right on telling everyone all about how great and wonderful God is!

To help your child internalize this lesson, at Meal Time enjoy an interactive role play with your child.  Pretend to be a person they met at school who has some questions about church and God, and play out a possible conversation with that person.  Help your child come up with some great hope and joy to share with the person.  Then, switch roles with your child.  Let your child pretend to be someone you met at work or someone you met at a store who has questions for you about life or God. 

Our memory verse for the month is John 16:33b "In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."

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