Our memory verse for this month is Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times." And your child is learning that Jesus wants to be her friend forever!
To help your child realize how active God is in her daily life, cuddle up with your child and pray with her. “Dear God, thank You for giving us our good friend, Jesus. He’s the best friend ever! Thank You for all the ways He shows us love every day. We love You, God. Amen.” Spend the rest of the week pointing out His active love in her life. When you see the sunshine, exclaim, "Look how much God loves us! He gave us sunshine to enjoy!" When you see rain (or snow), exclaim, "Look how much God loves us! He gave us rain (or snow) to water our plants!" When I was in sixth grade, I had a Sunday School teacher who encouraged us to be "Blessing Detectives." Try it! It's a lot of fun! :-)
Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned to remember that no matter what happens, God always has a bigger picture. (Luke 24:13-35, Romans 15:4) Two friends were walking on the Road to Emmaus. They had been friends of Jesus, and they were so sad after His death. They just couldn't figure it out - if Jesus had been the Messiah like they had believed He was, He couldn't possibly have died. But...He did die. It just didn't make any sense. They were discussing these things when another man came up behind them and started walking with them. The three of them continued their journey while talking it all over, and the man with them reminded them of certain Scriptures that said Jesus would be put to death, AND after three days, He would rise again! Hmm, the men saw a glimmer of hope. Could there be a bigger picture than what they could currently see, after all? After a while, the three men stopped to eat supper together. Suddenly, the two friends looked at the third man and realized Who He was! Jesus! Alive! God DID have a bigger picture!

Our memory verse for this month is John 16:33b “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
To encourage your child to have hope in his present circumstances, during Meal Time ask each other, "What is something in your life that seems hard right now?" Then every day this week, take time to pray with each other, and ask God to help you have hope.
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