A Ministry of Lakewood Park Baptist Church Children's Department

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 25th - What We Learned

This Sunday, March 25th, your Reign Forest child (ages 2-5) learned that Jesus wants us to tell EVERYONE that He loves them! (Matthew 4:18-22, 28:16-20; John 1:35-45)  Jesus picked 12 friends called disciples to help Him spread the good news that Jesus loves EVERYONE!  We can also help spread the good news to the people around us.

Our memory verse for this month is John 15:12  "Love each other as I have loved you."

Encourage your child to spread the good news to others you come in contact with.  Some of your children were able to make hearts at church with the words "Jesus loves EVERYONE" on them.  Other children did not get to do that at church.  Regardless, your child can decorate a heart at home, and you can write a Bible verse or the words "Jesus loves YOU" on the heart.  Then your child can hand the hearts out to people who need to know that God loves them.  Together with your child, ask God to lead the two of you to the right person - maybe a stranger at the grocery store, maybe an uncle or aunt, or maybe a next door neighbor - and ask God to soften that person's heart towards Him as a result of your child's action.

Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned that it is important to be IN THE HABIT of standing for what is right. (Daniel 6)  Daniel had spent his entire life choosing to do right no matter what the people around him were doing.  Even his enemies knew that he could be counted on not to waver from the right course of action, and they decided to use that against him.  They tricked the king (who was Daniel's friend) into passing a law that said it was wrong to pray to anyone besides the king.  If anyone prayed to someone besides the king, that person would be thrown into a den of lions.  Daniel's enemies knew ahead of time what Daniel would choose to do.  They knew he would choose to die rather than disobey God, and they were right.  When Daniel heard about the new law, what do you think he did?  Immediately, right away, he went to his room and prayed to God about the new law.  He didn't even stop to think about it or put off praying as long as he could.  No, he prayed right away, because he was in the habit of talking to God about everything that happened, and because he was in the habit of doing right even if it would cost him his life.

Daniel was caught praying by his enemies who already knew what to expect from him, and he was thrown into the lion's den, but God rescued him!  God shut the lion's mouths.  The next morning, the king pulled Daniel out and threw the enemies into the den instead.

Our memory verse for this month is 2 Thessalonians 3:13 - Never tire of doing what is right.

How can you help your child begin a foundation now so that at the end of his life, he can look back and say, "I formed the habit of choosing what was right"?  Developing a deep relationship with God is the key, and spending time with God every day develops that relationship.  This week, help your child focus on spending time with God every day.  Depending on your child's age, he may or may not be able to read a portion of Scripture himself, but he can certainly pray himself.  Take time before bed each night to read from the Bible to your child or encourage him to read it himself before bed each night or when he gets up in the morning (assuming you aren't late for the bus!)  Then, practice praying together as a family whenever you are in the car this week.  Let everyone in the family take a turn talking to God and deepening that relationship.

And don't forget to pray for your child during your own prayer times with God as well as during your together prayer times.

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