A Ministry of Lakewood Park Baptist Church Children's Department

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 18th - What We Learned

This Sunday, March 18th, your Reign Forest child (ages 2-5) learned that just like Jesus loves everyone, we should also show our love for everyone (Luke 10:25-37).  Jesus told the story of how the Good Samaritan showed his love by helping a man lying by the side of the road who had been beaten.  The man lying there was actually the Samaritan's enemy. 

Our memory verse for this month is John 15:12  "Love each other as I have loved you."

During PLAY TIME, talk with your child about ways to show love to others.  For example: show Mommy you love her by helping her put the spoons on the table.  Show Grandpa you love him by making a card for him.  Show your brother you love him by sharing your special treat with him.  See what ideas your child can come up with on his own, and help him put his ideas into action.

Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned how important it is to tell the truth and to stand for what is right even when it is not popular to do so (Daniel 5).  Daniel was a grown man, and a new king, Belshazzar, was now in charge in Babylon, where Daniel had been kidnapped to many years ago.  King Belshazzar was in the middle of a party with all of the officials of his kingdom when a giant hand appeared and wrote on the wall in a foreign language.  Daniel was called in to interpret, and the king offered him several rewards if he would tell the crowd what the words meant.  Daniel looked at the words and knew the king could get very angry at Daniel and possibly even kill him if Daniel told the truth about the meaning, but he still chose to do right.  He told the truth - that the words spelled out the end of Belshazzar's reign - even when he could have made up a more pleasant meaning and no one but God would have known what Daniel had done.  That night, King Belshazzar was murdered, and a new king took over the land.

Our memory verse for this month is 2 Thessalonians 3:13 "Never tire of doing what is right."

 To help your child remember to do right even if it's not popular, put a note in her lunch box each day, or send her a text message a few times this week with these simple words:  "STAND for what is right."     "Don't blend in!"     "Are you ROOTED?"    "I dare you to be like Daniel!"

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