This Sunday, your Reign Forest child (ages 2-5) learned that Jesus showed His love for God by doing what God wanted Him to do (Luke 2:41-50). When His family left Jerusalem to return home after a feast, Jesus stayed behind at the temple to teach just like God wanted Him to do.
In class, we discussed ways that children can show God they love Him, and these are some of the answers they came up with: by helping other people, by singing or praying when they are in bed, by cleaning their rooms without being told, by obeying their parents right away. The four and five year old children were challenged to go home and clean their bedrooms as a surprise without being told. Then, when their parents ask, "Why did you do this?" they can tell them it was to show God how much they love Him.
Our memory verse for the month with hand motions goes like this:
Matthew 22:37 (cup hands around mouth)
Jesus said, (point to lips)
"Love (hug yourself)
the Lord your God (point upwards)
with all your heart (place your palm over your heart)
and with all your soul. (make an O with you hand and place it over your heart)
Love Him with all your mind. (point to your head)
Matthew 22:37 (cup hands around mouth)
To keep this lesson fresh in his mind, help your child point out each heart he sees this week. Whenever he finds one, say together "Love the Lord your God with all your heart!" You can continue to say the entire verse each time, if you wish.
Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) traveled this Sunday with the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse in search of the next king. (I Samuel 16:1-13) They found out that God doesn't see as the world sees; He looks inside at people's hearts. Samuel was shocked to find out that God chose David, a young boy from the fields, to be king rather than his handsome and seemingly prepared older brothers. Bottom Line: Honor those who are overlooked.
Our memory verse for the month is Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."
To help this lesson stick, encourage your child to look around whenever he enters a room. Ask him to find one person who seems to be alone or left out and find a way to honor that person. It could be by smiling at her, or inviting her to participate in the activities going on. It could be drawing a picture or making a Lego creation for her. Simply by being aware, you can honor those who are being overlooked.
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