Your child learned how NOT to pray - you don't have to use special words or a special voice, and it's very important that you don't pretend to pray to God while you are really just hoping other people will hear and think you are extra special.
Your child also learned how TO pray - just talk in your normal voice the way you talk to someone you love very much. You can tell God thank you for things He has given you or done for you. You can talk to Him about whatever you are thinking, things you are happy about, things you are sad about, things you are scared about. You can ask Him for things, and you will know that He always answers - sometimes He says "Yes," sometimes He says "No," and sometimes He says "Wait." But He always gives you the answer that is BEST for you because HE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH.
Our memory verse for this month is

Jesus replied, (point to your mouth)
'Love (hug yourself)
the Lord your God (point upwards)
with all your heart (place your hand over your heart)
and with all your soul (form an "O" with your hand on your chest)
and with all your mind. (point to your head)
Your child in Land of Promise (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned that we can even show HONOR to God by worshiping Him like King David did as the Ark of the Covenant made it's way back to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:12b-22a). David was so excited that he honored God by dancing in the street in front of the Ark. He didn't care who saw him. He didn't care if anybody saw him. He was just so glad that he couldn't hold it in. In fact, his wife was so embarrassed about his ridiculous dancing that she told him later he wasn't acting like a king!
I can remember quite a few times when I have held back words of praise simply because others who did not love God might be offended by them or might roll their eyes and say, "There she goes again." Holding back dishonors my Lord. It prevents glory that He should have been given. He is valuable to me, and I need to communicate that to Him!
Our memory verse for the month is Romans 12:10 - Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. We honor God above ourselves when we consider praising Him to be more important than retaining the high regard of others.
At home, you can model Honoring God for your children by taking the opportunity during DRIVE TIME or during MEAL TIME to honor God yourself for the good things He did for you during the day instead of ranting about how you have been mistreated at work or making fun of someone you encountered in the day who didn't do as you would have done. The old saying, "More is caught than taught," refers to the fact that children learn more by what they see acted out in your life than by what they hear you say to them about how to act. You are the most powerful influence on your child's behavior, so honor God consistently yourself with your own words and actions!
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