A Ministry of Lakewood Park Baptist Church Children's Department

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 11th - What We Learned

This Sunday, December 11th, your 2-5 year old child in the Reign Forest learned the second part of the "Christmas Story" how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, found no rooms available at any inns, and had to sleep in a stinky, old barn. (Luke 2:1-7)  That stinky, old barn ended up being where the King of the Universe came to live with us.

Out of all the various aspects of the Christmas story, this is the one that grabs at my heart the most.  I "get" that God loves us enough to rescue us.  I "get" that He chose to leave His beyond-imaginable palace in Heaven for us, but what I struggle to fathom is His choice to enter the world in that place, in that way - already unwanted, already pushed aside by people who had bigger and better things to do.  He started out His human experience that way on purpose, but why?  Was it to identify with the people who feel unwanted?  Was it simply symbolic of His future on earth?

In class, the children discussed this question, too, and they came to the conclusion that God loves us SO much, He just wanted to rescue us no matter what it took!  No matter where He had to be born!

At home, you can continue working on the Christmas rhyme with your child.

The angel came down (make a flying motion)
from God to say (cup hands around mouth like you want to say something)
that Mary will have a baby on Christmas Day. (pretend to rock a baby in your arms)
His name will be Jesus (make a "V" with both arms up and fists closed)
God's only Son. (point a finger and arm straight up)
He will show that God loves everyone! (hug yourself)

Mary and Joseph traveled far, far away. (walk in place)
When they got to Bethlehem, there was no place to stay (hold hands out and shake head "no").
God gave them a stable filled with cows and sheep. (make a roof over your head with your hands)
Jesus was born, (pretend to hold a baby)
and on hay He did sleep. (fold your hands under your head like you are sleeping)

Your kindergarten through fifth grade children in Land of Promise learned about a rich man who let his trust in "stuff" get in the way of going to Heaven.  (Luke 18:18-25)  He asked Jesus what he needed to do to get there, and Jesus answered by listing a bunch of rules.  When the rich man told Him that he had followed all those rules, Jesus said, "There is only one thing left for you to do.  Sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven.  Then come, follow Me." 

Well, for a guy who claimed to have never murdered, never lied, never cheated, never stolen, and always obeyed his parents from the time he was a small boy, you would think that selling his stuff and giving the money away would be easy.  Instead, the man went away sad.

Why sad?  The Bible says the ruler was very wealthy; he had a lot of money here on earth.  Unfortunately, he was putting his trust in that, instead of trusting God.  In other words, he was acting like his money and his things were more important than God and others.

The children in class were given an assignment and a wrapper to take home.  They are to use their wrapper to wrap up a gift and give it to someone else.  The person and gift they choose is up to them.  They could go the obvious route and buy a present for someone, or they could wrap up the gift of time to give away, or maybe give the gift of their talents...  Help your child brainstorm gift ideas and creative ways to wrap that gift into a box.  Your involvement will be immeasurably valuable in your child's life.

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