Even though David did this for his friend Jonathan's sake, and he was happy to do so, I couldn't help drawing a sort of parallel in my own mind. What might happen if we went against the way people expect us to treat our "enemies" and instead chose to be kind to them? Even more, what if we went beyond simply being kind enough to let them live their own lives without interference, and instead reached out to help them or heap gifts on them beyond what they would have imagined for themselves? What might God do through us for other people that He loves and died for?
Your child in the four and five year old class became official members of the Happy Helpers Club this Sunday, and they received official club aprons. They have been hearing stories all month of the adventures that Chadder the Chipmunk has been having as the founding member of the Happy Helpers Club, and they were very eager to be finally be allowed to be part of it. Their top secret club oath went like this: "I promise to help EVERYONE with a happy heart!"
To reinforce this Sunday's lesson, cuddle up with your child and pray with him at BED TIME. "Dear God, thank You for making [child's name]. I love him so much. I pray he will always look for ways to be a happy helper. Help us both to be kind and loving to others. We love You, God. Amen."
Don't forget next week is graduation week. If your four year old or younger child has had a birthday since July, you may be receiving a note to let you know that he or she will be moving up to the next class. Please contact Suzanne or Connie with any questions about the move.
Your Land of Promise child (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned the importance of CELEBRATING what God has done! Luke 22:14-20 describes how Jesus and His disciples celebrated the Passover together, commemorating a time in the past when God did something incredible for His people, Israel. The disciples celebrated and praised even though they were facing an uncertain and frightening future (just before Jesus' crucifixion), and we should do the same as your child's memory verse illustrates. I Thessalonians 5:18 - "Give thanks in ALL circumstances..." This shows trust in our unfailing God.
During DRIVE TIME this week, talk with your child about a few times in your past when God did something amazing. Tell her all about how wonderful He was to you. Then ask her to describe something great that God did for her. When the stories are finished, have a mini celebration in the car on your way to your destination and plan a more detailed celebration for when you are home. For example: decide to eat your favorite foods for supper in celebration of what God did. Give everyone a no chores evening, buy some helium balloons from the Dollar Store, and announce, "Today, we're celebrating the time that God did ___________ for us."
Party hearty, my friends! God is GOOD!
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