The four and five year olds got to see a real live skeleton...uh, a real dead skeleton, I mean! And they learned how God put their important organs in special places to protect them (like placing their heart behind their ribcage instead of on their knee.) God is SO super smart! He made all the parts of our bodies work wonderfully together.
You can use CAR TIME to help make this lesson stick. Grab a favorite preschool worship CD or sing songs to God without a CD. One of the things God made people to do is praise Him. We can praise God by singing songs to Him. Spend some time singing to God together as you drive from here to there.
Your Land of Promise children (kindergarten through fifth grade) learned that God helped Miriam and Jochabed, Moses' sister and mother, use their imaginations to work through an impossible-looking situation. Instead of giving up their new baby to death as Pharoah had commanded, they put him into a basket and floated him on the river. That's not your everyday solution! They used the creativity that God had given them.
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While the weather is still nice (only a few days of it left!), you can reinforce this lesson during HANG TIME with your kids. Grab some sidewalk chalk and head out to the driveway. Draw a circle on the ground using the chalk, and color it in. Then pour a little bit of water on it to turn it into "paint." (Be careful, too much water will wash the chalk away completely.) Step into this new mixture with bare feet and swirl your painting all over the driveway, or you can attempt some awe-inspiring artwork like this butterfly.
Talk about the fact that painting with your feet may not be the way people usually approach their sidewalk chalk art, but like this, there are thousands of ways to view at a situation, solve a problem, accomplish a goal. Teach them to ask God for wisdom when they are feeling boxed in. He knows the best way to move forward! And He loves to give wisdom and creativity!
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