The 4-5 year olds also learned that sometimes when we ask God for something, He can tell us Yes, No, or Wait. He has a very good reason for giving us those "No" and "Wait" answers - it's because He wants to do something BETTER for us! Hooray for our super-smart God Who loves us!
To help make this lesson stick, let your child take a bubble bath one day this week. While he is in the bath, see if he can make bricks out of the bubbles like the Israelites had to make bricks out of mud and straw. Can your child make a big tower of bubbles? Making bubble bricks is fun, but making real bricks is hard work. Who did the Israelites ask for help? They asked God for help. God can help me do anything!
Your Kindergarten through Fifth Graders learned what Jesus said when He taught in the Synagogue (Luke 4:14-30) because "when I discover what God says, I know how I should treat others."

To learn more about September's virtue (Knowledge) and discover helpful parenting insight, check out www.OrangeParents.org. And for more mealtime questions, and great activities that you and your child can do at other times of your week, check out www.Studio252.tv and the Parent Cue app for your smartphone.
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